Lasers & Neurotoxin Treatments
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a patient specific question and best answered in a consult. For example some medications make your skin more sensitive to treatment and some conditions make your healing time prolonged. Jenny will go over full medical history and current medication regimen with you at your consult as well as prior to treatment to determine if you are a candidate for laser treatments.
It’s most commonly known for treating “reds” aka redness, rosacea, capillaries, and “browns” (pigment and sun damage). However with certain technique and maintenance treatments, BBL gives skin a more youthful appearance and reflective glow.
Moxi treats a wide variety of skin concerns with just one wavelength! Superficial pigment and melasma (think hyperpigmentation and uneven tone), reduces pore size, smoothes texture and fine lines and brightness the skin.
Each laser uses different modalities to create a synergistic effect in the skin. They help each other to achieve greater results with one treatment. Jenny personally loves how she can knock out a lot of post Moxi redness while the skin is resurfacing.
Moxi is safe to treat melasma when used properly by an experienced practitioner.
We numb for Moxi and the treatment is quick (under ten minutes for the face). We also use cooling/ice to make the treatment comfortable. BBL is known to be spicier but totally customizable so that Jenny can adjust during the treatment to get you comfortable.
We focus on repairing the skins barrier and assisting in collagen and elastin formation. We love the skinbetter science Trio Rebalancing Moisture, a gentle cleanser and spf (in fact, we sell the best post-laser treatment skincare bundle). Downtime depends on your skin and level of intensity of treatment. Also something that will be gone over in detail at your consult!
You will see results with one treatment. For full correction (depending on skin concern) it may take multiple treatments. We set up laser follow up appointments where we can look at before photos and plan out your next step or maintenance treatments.
It’s safe to return to work after a laser treatment, however, you will be red and/or swollen after a laser treatment.
My favorite is to see a bride 8 weeks before the wedding for a BBL/Moxi combo with a follow up scheduled 2 weeks before. I always recommend a facial (with the BR remodeling machine!) as close to day of wedding as possible.
It is okay to get neurotoxins, fillers, laser treatments immediately following a facial. You should wait 7-14 days after neurotoxins, fillers, laser treatments, based on your provider's instructions.
We recommend waiting until you are done breastfeeding because hormones are unpredictable and we don’t want to flare up or cause any hormonal pigment changes.
Moxi laser is safe for all skin types! Jenny has experience working with all types of skin and uses specific settings and techniques to deliver safe, effective treatments.
Neurotoxin can be injected right after a facial.
We wait two weeks before or after a laser treatment for your tox appointment.